Established in 1998, Scott Burke Sports Hypnosis combines the very best of sport psychology and exceptional mind management techniques to help you achieve sporting success.
One of Scott's illustrious mentors was the great David Canova, whom in his own prestigous career worked with many of the UK sports greats of the 1970's and 1980's. These legends of the day put their names to some of Mr Canova's own sports hypnosis services, including Ian Botham (Cricket), Glen Hoddle (Football), Cliff Thorburn (Snooker), Geoff Capes (Shot Putter and World's Strongest Man), Leighton Reese (Darts) etc. Indeed there are some even more outstanding names that I cannot mention, but with that influence coupled with my own techniques, this might explain why I have worked with internationalists in just some of the following sports:
Football, Squash, Clay Shooting, Skiing, Cycling and Darts (and I am sure I have missed some out!).
At high level champion level, those that have won major tournaments, I can include:
Golf, Bowling, Rally Driving, Swimming, various distance running including marathons...and again, these are the one's I can just mention!
However, I like to think that my approach is non-pretentious. It can be annoying when you have some "guru" going on about "congruence" and understanding "time-lines" or "submodalities" when you strongly suspect they are just hiding behind fancy phrases and have no idea what they are talking about. I effectively call it "push-button therapy". At least when I work with an individual or a team, I will be ME, not some self-appointed know-it-all. I have met some of these types and they do sports people no favours.
Rapport and honesty are paramount, so if you want to know more about me, well do get in touch, even add me to Skype if you have it. I very much enjoy what I do, and I greatly appreciate all the sporting people who have put their confidence in me. And just to be clear, for every internationalist, there are far more recreational or "club champions" I have worked with, and I will always keep my feet on the ground.
Thanks for reading!
Scott Burke